Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 16: People and places - Section A: Famous places in Asia

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 16: People and places - Section A: Famous places in Asia

  1. Unit 16 : PEOPLE AND PLACES Section A: Famous places in Asia (1, 2) 1. Objectives: a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to: - Talk about the names of some countries in Asia and their capitals. - Review the advs of frequency. b. Skills: L, S, R, W c. Behaviour: Like studying about the capital cities of some Asia countries. 2. Preparation a. Teacher: * Language contents: - Vocab: album (n), region (n), pilot (n), occasionally (adv) - Str: the positions of the advs of frequency * Techniques: pairworks, picture prediction, Qs and ans, groupworks * Teaching aids: pictures, cassettes, tape, adding board, cards. b. Students: textbooks, notebooks, pens 3. Procedures T’s activities Ss’ activities Contents a. Class order Greetings and checking attendants. b. Checking up: (none) c. New lesson * WARM UP - T has Ss play a game”word -Ss from 2 teams take * Game: Word puzzle puzzle”. Then asks Ss part in the game. - Find the key word: “Asia” questions - what is the key word? (Xem minh họa) - Do you know what does - T introduces the new lesson - Ss listen “Asia” mean? “ In this lesson, we are going to learn a lesson about some famous places in Asia”. * PRESENTATION - T shows the picture - Ss look at the pictures * Pre- questions: “Greetings from Bangkok” then answer. - Which city is this? and asks Ss some questions. (It’s Bangkok) - T says: “ This is a postcard - Where is Bangkok? that uncle Nghia sent to Ba” (in Thailand) - T guides some new words - Ss listen and repeat * Pre-teach vocab: then take note. - album (n): quyển an – bom - pilot (n): phi công - region (n): vùng/ miền
  2. - occasionally (adv): thỉnh thoảng, đôi khi. * Checking vocab: Slap the board. - T asks Ss to close their - Ss do T/F predictions a. T/F statements prediction books, listen to the tape and in pairs. (3ms) 1. Ba’s uncle is a pilot. do T/F prediction. - Ss give out their 2. He sent Ba a postcard from guesses. Thailand. - T asks Ss to open their - Ss listen to the tape 3. Ba keeps the stamps in a books, listen to the tape and check their box. again and check their guesses. 4. Hoa doesn’t want to see the guesses. (once) stamps. - T asks Ss to check their - Ss check then correct * Ans: 1. T, 2. T, 3. F, 4. F guesses. the F sentences - T asks Ss to practice the dia - Ss practice the in pairs. dialogue in pairs.(3ms) * PRACTICE - T calls on some pairs to - Some pairs practice. practice the dialogue. - T asks Ss to match the half- - Ss do the matching in b. Match the half- sentences. sentences in pairs. (3ms) pairs. (p. 155) Key: - T calls on some Ss to go to - Some Ss go to the a. D, b. F, c. B, d. C, e. A, f. E the board and do the board and match matching. - T gives correction. - T asks Ss to look at the - Ss complete the table. c. Complete the table table in A2 and complete the * Key: table in pairs. (3ms) Capital Country - T has Ss play a game - Ss from 2 teams take Bangkok Thailand “Pelmanism” to complete the part in the game. Beijing China table. (Xem minh họa) Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Phnom Penh Cambodia Vientiane Laos Yangon Myanmar Jakarta Indonesia - T gives some examples for - Ss retell. b. Advs of frequency Ss to retell the positions of * The position: the advs of frequency. They stand before the ordinary verbs. They also stand at the beginning of the sentence. d. Fill in the table with the
  3. advs of frequency. - T asks Ss to read the - Ss read the dialogue City How often? dialogue silently and fill in again and fill in the Bangkok usually the table with the advs of table in pairs. (3ms) Hong Kong usually frequency. - Ss give out their Kuala Lumpur sometimes - T corrects. answers. Singapore sometimes Jakarta sometimes Phnom Penh occasionally Vientiane occasionally Yangon occasionally Ex: S1: Where does Ba’s uncle - T asks Ss to work in pairs - Ss practice in pairs. flies to? ask and answer about uncle S2: He usually flies to Nghia’s flights. (4ms) Bangkok. S1: Where is that? S2: It’s in Thailand * PRODUCTION - T has Ss play a game “A - Ss from 2 teams take * Game: A magic hat magic hat” to practice about part in the game. uncle Nghia’s flights. (Xem minh họa) - T asks Ss some questions - Ss listen and answer. - Do you want to visit these about themselves. places? - After listening to - Which country would you Ss’answers. T says “I hope like to visit? that in the future you will visit these countries. If so, now you have to study well to make your wishes become true.” d. Homework - Gives ss requests - Ss listen and - Learn the new words by remember heart. - Do the exercises in the workbook. - Prepare U15: A 3 e. Comments: