Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 12: Unit 12: Let’s eat! - Section A: What shall we eat? - Năm học 2021-2022 - Ngô Thanh Tuấn

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  1. School: Hung Vuong secondary school, TB, DN Teacher: Ngo Thanh Tuan Group: English – Music – Art LESSON PLAN UNIT 12: LET’S EAT! SECTION A: WHAT SHALL WE EAT? (A1, A2) Subject: English 7 A. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Recognize the topic of the unit, the topic of the lesson and students can talk about the food they like and dislike; 2. Identify the specific food with the picture 3. Identify the specific information through the conversation; 4. Use “so/too/neither/either” to express their agreement in a positive and negative sentences. 5. Complete the phrases through reading. 6. Develop students’ self – study, cooperative, communicative and using language capabilities. B. LANGUAGE FOCUS Key terms/ Vocabulary: - Noun: pork, spinach, cucumber, pineapple, papaya, durian - Adjective: ripe >< unripe - Verb: smell Key grammatical structure(s): - So do I/ I do, too. - Neither do I/ I don’t, either C. INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES - Textbook: English 7 – Unit 12 – Page 114. - Teacher’s book. - Some pictures of food/fruit and situation pictures (the pictures on page 114,115). - Teacher: laptop, power point and video of the lesson. - Students: smart TV, smart phones, PC, laptop, iPads, 1
  2. STAGE 2: ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Performance Assessment Performance Tasks products tools 1. Answer the teacher’s questions to identify the Student’s Observation topic of the unit, the topic of the lesson about food answer Questions & (the setting, participants, and the topic) answers Students’ Observation 2. Teach some words about food/fruit. answer Answer keys 3. Practice reading and listening skills through Students’ Observation reading and listening comprehension tasks. answer Answer keys Students’ Observation 4. Classify the usages of “so/too/neither/either”. answer Answer keys Student’s Observation 5. Answer the main question. answer Answer keys Observation 6. Practice speaking individually to talk about the Student’s talk Questions & food they like and dislike. answers New lesson: Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents 1. Warm-up Aims: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and review the previous lesson. - Teacher asks students to look at the “Name the pictures!!!” pictures of foods and tell the names of the foods. - pizza - fries - grilled chicken - Teacher shows the answers and leads - beef steak students to the new lesson. - hamburger - hot dog - 2. Pre-listening & reading Aims: To teach some words about food/fruit. 2
  3. Set the scene “- These are some food that we often eat. Let’s start our lesson to know more about Unit 12: Let’s eat! food. Come with me! Unit 12: Let’s eat! Section A: what shall we eat? (A1, 2) ” * Pre-teach vocabulary. - Teacher asks students some questions: [?] 1. Do you often go to a market? 2. Who do you often go with? 3. What do you often see at the market? - Students answer the questions. Predicted answers 1. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 2. My mom/ My sister/ My friends, 3. Fruits/ meat/ vegetables/ flowers, A1. Listen. Then practice with a - Teacher shows some pictures of the partner. fruits/food related to the lesson to teach 1. New words. the new words and asks students to give - pork /pɔːrk/ (n): thịt heo the meanings. - spinach /ˈspɪnɪtʃ/ (n): rau mõm xụi - cucumber /ˈkjuːkʌmbər/ (n): dưa leo - pineapple /ˈpaɪnổpl/ (n): quả thơm - papaya /pəˈpaɪə/ (n): quả đu đủ - durian /ˈdʊriən/ (n): quả sầu riờng - ripe /raɪp/ (adj) ≠ unripe: chớn ≠ xanh - smell /smel/ (v): ngửi - Teacher asks the whole class to repeat the words. 3
  4. - Students give the meanings of the vocabulary and practice pronouncing the vocabulary. - Teacher checks students’ memory and pronunciation. - Teacher introduces the context. “Yesterday, Hoa went to a market to buy something. Now, we will follow her to the market to know what she bought there.” - Teacher shows 3 pictures of the places that Hoa came to and asks students to guess where those places are. - Students guess. - Then, teacher shows 2 questions on the 2. Answer the questions. screen, then asks students to listen to the CD to answer the questions. Let’s make a guess! - Teacher plays the CD. Where are those places? - Students listen and answer the questions. Meat stall, vegetable stall and fruit - Teacher checks the answers. stall. [?] 1. Who did Hoa go to the market with? 2. Which meal were they going to make: breakfast, lunch or dinner? 1. She went to the market with her aunt. 2. They were going to make dinner. 3. While-listening & reading Aims: To help students practice listening and reading skills with listening and reading comprehension tasks. 4
  5. * Answer the questions - Teacher takes students to each stall and asks them what Hoa and her aunt bought 1. First, they went to the meat stall. there. What did they buy? They bought some beef. - Students answer the questions. 2. Next, they went to the vegetable stall. - Teacher shows the answers and checks. What did they buy? They bought some spinach and cucumbers. 3. Finally, they went to the fruit stall. What did they buy? They bought some oranges. [Key question] - Teacher asks students to chain all the What did Hoa and her aunt buy at the answers to find out the answer for the key market? question on page 115. They bought some beef, spinach, cucumbers, and oranges. * Pre-teach grammar. A2. Ask and answer questions with a “They bought some beef, spinach, partner. Talk about the food you like. cucumbers, and oranges. Why did Hoa buy some spinach?” Because she likes spinach. * Grammar: Ex: - “Does Hoa like pork?” 1. She likes spinach. I like spinach. No, she doesn’t. So do I/ I do, too * So/too: To show an agreement in a - Teacher shows some examples to positive sentence. explain the grammar. - “We use ‘So/too’ to show an agreement in a positive sentence. 2. She doesn’t like pork. I don’t like pork. Neither do I/ I don’t, either - “We use ‘Neither/either’ to show an * Neither/either: To show an agreement in agreement in a negative sentence. a negative sentence. 5
  6. 4. Post-listening & reading Aims: To practice speaking individually to talk about the food they like or dislike. - Teacher asks students to practice asking * Practice and answering questions about the food Do you like it? they like or dislike, using a. I like pork. Do you like it? ‘so/too/neither/either’ Yes. ___ - Students practice under teacher’s b. I don’t like durians. Do you like encouragement. them? No. ___ c. I don’t like papayas. Do you like it? No. ___ d. I like cucumbers. Do you like them? Yes. ___ 5. Home work - Learn by heart all the new words. - Practice the conversation again. Trang Bom, Friday, October 29th, 2021 6